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LAF Productions BlogsToday, many business revenues are tied to borrowing costs instead of business expansion costs. To keep afloat in spite of lower dividends and lower profit margins, most companies are either not hiring, hiring less frequently or implementing layoffs. As a result of these factors and continuous cut backs, scores of companies no longer invest in their employees’ development and training, whether freshly hired or company veterans.
Employee contentions and lack of on-the-job competence are at an all-time high, while employee morale and engagement are at their lowest. Budgets are a great deal tighter. Remaining employees now must struggle to juggle multiple priorities, cope with increased pressures with unrealistic expectations, and do more with less! Many are even working longer hours and seeking part-time employment to compensate their shrinking paychecks. American colleges and universities are graduating more students than states' workforce have jobs to hire. Vital departments like Career Planning and Placement are either not effective or no longer in existence; hence, there are fewer internships, job offers and guaranteed employment for graduating seniors already burdened with high tuition debts. College knowledge works best for those who are already rich or affluent, and does not teach the poor how to become rich. Lack of good-paying jobs, no job security and failed company loyalty are swiftly causing people of all ages to rethink false notions of business ownership. More and more people are becoming interested in business ownership as it presents their only means of hope and a true solution. Entrepreneurship promises better financial control and offers much-needed tax advantages in lieu of rising American taxes. How can anyone gain confidence to climb the corporate ladder or learn to leave it all behind for a pursuit of passions? The answer lies simply within our M.A.D.E. in the USA business training courses and seminars. We convert information into application for maximum results. We challenge our participants to take what we are giving to make a better living … easily, inexpensively and quickly. Affordable education coupled with hope is an extremely healthy solution for communities because it provides options, increases opportunity and decreases crime. As written in Proverbs 13:12, "Hope deferred, makes the heart sick" and leads to depression, degradation and desperation, "but a desire fulfilled is like a tree of life." Although apprenticeship-style learning is no new concept overall, its implementation in business training is new to the city of Little Rock, the state of Arkansas, and the South. It revolutionizes the Training Industry and galvanizes entrepreneurial learning!
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