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ABC Forms - Per Diem - Travel Expense Form - DE (DL)

ABC Forms - Per Diem - Travel Expense Form - DE (DL)
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Travel expenses (costs that occur while away from home on business) provide major business expense deductions that are significant to small business and non-profit organizations.  Entrepreneurs oftentimes neglect on capitalizing because of unfamiliarity of IRS’s ground rules and/or not having the proper tool to manage valuable deductions.  Our Per Diem – Travel Expense Form makes it easier to plan your business trips and combine business with vacation because our form is created in complement of IRS rules of Publication 1542 and compliance to IRS State Per Diem Rate Table for Delaware.

Now you will enjoy pleasant surprises of sure tax savings, instead of unpleasant surprises an unfavorable tax audit.  Purchase your form today and start managing your trip deductibles the right way the first time.  

  • 50 percent of the cost of meals when traveling
  • air, rail, taxi and bus fares from one place of business to another
  • baggage charges
  • cleaning and laundry expenses
  • computer rental fees
  • hotel expenses
  • telephone or fax expenses
  • tips on eligible expenses
  • transportation costs for sample and display materials
  • various expenses of operating and maintaining a car (gas, oil, lubrication, washing, repairs, parts, tires, supplies, parking fees, and tolls)
“ABCTM forms” are devoted to your business start-up, structure, surety, survival and success.

ABC forms: Downloadable Per Diem - Travel Expense Form - DE, 1 page, Microsoft Excel Document

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